Pratikshya Joshi photo
Sergey Belyi, professor of mathematics and the associate chair of the department of mathematics, discussing the new major.
Rakshak Adhikari
The College of Arts and Sciences has introduced a new double major in physics and math starting fall 2017.
According to Govind Menon, the chair of the department of chemistry and physics and the director of the school of science and technology, the new major is directed toward physics students who are interested in theoretical physics.
“In terms of the curricula, it is literally the math and the physics major together and not a combined program with reduced course load,” Menon said. “You need 120 credit hours for a degree in physics or mathematics, but with 124 credit hours you can get a degree in physics and a degree in math.
“The two disciplines have been close together ever since their inception and the fluency in one complements the other.
“Math is the language that physics is expressed in. Physics students already have to take many math classes and with a few more classes, they can get another degree in math.”
Sergey Belyi, professor of mathematics and the associate chair of the department of mathematics, said:
“(It) is an excellent combination.
“Having a double major gives students a head start if they want to go to graduate school.”
Belyi also said having a double major increases the employability of graduates.
“I love it so far,” said Donavan Ebersole, a senior math and physics major from Blountstown, Florida. “I have really enjoyed my classes and have seen how my math courses help my physics courses and vice versa.”