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Then and now: the eternal issue

Tori Roper-Bedsole

Everyone knows that parking has been an issue on Troy’s campus for many, many years.

A 1992 Troy graduate said parking was a major problem the entire time she was enrolled at the university.

“We complained constantly about it also,” Jennifer Garrett said. “Back then, tickets were only like $10, so if you were running short on time to get to class, you just parked illegally and paid the ticket.”

Some things never change. I guess we can be thankful that the cost of parking tickets hasn’t increased.

From Garrett’s recollections, there was less parking on campus then than there is now. When Trojan Village was built, parking lots were built to accommodate those residents.

“Best I can remember, we had the lots behind and beside the Adams Center (TC), lots on either side of Smith, spaces around the main quad similar to what is present at the other quad now, behind the library, a much smaller lot than is present now next to Sartain and the lots along the street behind Clements,” Garrett said.

A story in September 2013 cited 3,777 parking spaces on campus with around 5,000 decals allocated for students alone.

The new parking lot, which will add 548 parking spaces, has an anticipated completion date of late October or early November, after which the Sartain parking lot will be closed for the construction of the new recreation center.

At the end of the semester, a net gain of 300 parking spaces will be added on campus.

The reality of the situation is that there will always be complaints about parking on Troy’s campus. Even with an increase in the number of parking spaces available to students, there will just never be enough of those spots right behind the library or Hawkins Hall.

Students will continue to circle for the spaces outside the dining hall or the nursing building. Unfortunately, the parking issue will probably never be truly resolved until a parking deck is built, whether on campus or off.

One resolution, perhaps the clearest resolution, is a parking deck at an off-campus location with the shuttle running to and from the parking deck around the clock.

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