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Elizabeth Odee

Aries: It’s time to pull out that project you’ve been putting off because you were having some creative block. It’s been long enough, and you have fresh ideas. Plus, putting it off will not make the project magically disappear, and it’s still sitting there in Canvas.

Taurus: Come back to Earth, Taurus! Don’t let your fantasies get the better of you and take you far away. You know that better than any of the other signs.

Gemini: Put the credit card away. Yes, the new iPhone just came out, and yes, TJ Maxx just got their fall clothes. Now, go ahead and take a look at your bank account to bring you back to reality. Better?

Cancer: Everything is going to work out, Cancer. Maybe you put too much on your plate. Try and give up one of those hobbies you are starting to learn. Knitting that baby blanket can wait until their next birthday.

Leo: It’s time for you to come back out of the shadows. You’ve been lying in wait, tired and bored these past few weeks. Now, it’s time for you to make a reappearance. Find an exciting way to step back into your spotlight. Just don’t be obnoxious about it.

Virgo: It’s the end of your birthday season, so party hard! Just make sure you keep it in check. You don’t want a repeat of last year, do you?

Libra: It’s the beginning of your birthday season! Take time to plan how you want to spend time celebrating you, whether that be a day off, or maybe a huge blowout party with 80 of your closest friends.

Scorpio: Take some time for yourself this week. Read a cutesy romance book, take a bubble bath or start a new season of Love Island. You’ve earned it.

Sagittarius: Please go to class. Your professors are getting worried. That comfy bed will be there when you get back, but the notes from your friend might not be as much of a cushion as you think.

Capricorn: Your mojo is coming back! The past couple of days have been rough, but do not fret. New ideas and opportunities are coming your way. Make sure you actually keep an eye out for them, though. Maybe keep track of them in your Notes app.

Aquarius: Keep the chill vibes going, Aquarius. Ride them as long as you can before the stress of midterms gets to you. Light a candle. Do some yoga. Remember to be very mindful, very demure.

Pisces: Don’t be afraid to speak up this week! Your idea might be the one to get the group project off the ground. Just don’t forget to stay on task. You don’t want to be that one person who says one thing and flakes the rest of the time. No one likes that person.

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