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Nursing and education departments suspend field hours

Staff Writer

Sarah MountainArts & Living Editor Troy University’s nursing school and education department have suspended all clinical and field hours during the three-week remote period from March 16 to April 6. According to announcements sent out by both departments, students will not have the opportunity to complete any field hours until April 6. Both majors require a certain number of field hours to complete the courses and move into the next semester. “All K-12 schools in Alabama will be closed beginning on Wednesday, March 18 and will re-open on April 6,” said the announcement sent out by Fred Figliano, the P-12/Secondary Coordinator for the College of Education. “Because of this, we are suspending all field experiences/internships until after April 6.” College of Education students will then only have until April 18 to complete the field hours requirements. “In order to get credit for internship, which is required by the state to reach certification, I must complete 15 weeks in a school setting,” said Morgan Vardaman, a senior ELA major from Troy, Alabama. “I need six more weeks to reach requirements which I cannot do. “I appreciate them taking necessary precautions due to the circumstances, but I am hoping they make some exceptions for graduating students.” The nursing school released a statement on March 16 that all clinicals have been cancelled effective March 17. “We will re-evaluate the possibility of continuing on April 6,” said the announcement by Alisha Hilburn, a lecturer in the School of Nursing. “It makes sense,” said Erin McMichen, a junior nursing major from Alexander City, Alabama. “They are trying to limit the spread of the virus and putting us in the hospital setting would only multiply the exposure. “There are a lot of people our age who are asymptomatic and spreading the virus unintentionally so they can’t take that risk with us.” As of March 16, both programs intend to start field hours again April 6. The Tropolitan will follow and report any changes.

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