Aaron Dixon After the SGA meeting on Tuesday, eight SGA senators and ten Freshman Forum delegates took to the streets for the first night walk of the semester. “Night walk is an event orchestrated by the student welfare committee of the student government association,” said Malik Moore, a sophomore global business major from Demopolis. “Basically, the goal of night walk is to walk around campus and see if anything is wrong… Any areas that are not properly lit or any areas that may have potholes, or anything that we see the campus needs to fix or work on.” During the night walk, they split up in to four separate group to cover the campus, each in charge of looking for problems the university can repair. “We expect the students to efficiently walk the campus and really look for things that need to be worked on,” Moore said. “Not necessarily coming out with the results of finding problems, but if problems are around, then we have to make sure that the right people are notified to get the problems taken care of.” Most of the students who participated in the night walk were a part of the student welfare committee, and their job is to make sure the campus is safe for students. “After night walk, the problems that we find, we start to write bills to get the problems fixed, so the right people can hear the problem,” Moore said. “This is all so students won’t have to drive over potholes or walk in areas that aren’t properly lit.” Wesley Modling, a sophomore sports management major from Opelika and an SGA senator, said he mainly noticed “minor problems” on the night walk. “(There are) light poles out around campus, speed bumps on University Avenue being severely worn down, crosswalks not being visible and a lack of speed bumps near the crosswalk leading to the Newman Center,” he said. More night walks are scheduled to take place throughout the semester.
Night walk illuminates Troy safety
Staff Writer