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‘Geeks Speak’ lecture series to teach entrepreneurship, personal finance, business tips and customer relations

Abby Taylor

The Sorrell College of Business will be hosting “Geeks Speak,” where speakers from the Southeast will speak on topics every Tuesday and Thursday from March 22 to April 10.


Olivia Walleser, a junior global business management major from Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, and vice president of the Dean’s Student Advisory Council for the College of Business, helped organize the speaker series.


“We (student advisories) work with the dean just to improve the relationship between the business school and the students that it’s serving,” Walleser said.


Walleser said that the dean student advisory hosts events to get students excited for jobs in the business field and that this was one of those events.


“(The speakers) are going to be talking about all sorts of different topics that can help students once they leave college or topics that aren’t always covered in the curriculum at Troy,” she said.


Walleser said speakers will discuss entrepreneurship, personal finance, tips to grow a business and how to work with customers.


“They (students) can really learn a lot of cool tips on where they can take their business degrees,” she said.


Walleser said the speaker series is also open to students who are not in business school.


“Really — whatever your major is — there’s always a business component of things,” she said.


The speaker series will begin Thursday, March 22, at 10 a.m. in Bibb Graves 143 with Dianna Lee from Troy Bank & Trust speaking on “College Personal Finance Made Easier.”


Students can visit the Sorrell College of Business Facebook page to keep up with who will be speaking throughout the series.

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