The Troy chapter of Farmhouse International Fraternity recently received the Ruby Cup award for its efforts as a fraternity.
The Ruby Cup is an annual award given to the top chapter of FarmHouse International Fraternity.
According to President Cody Farrill, there are several categories that add up for this award. Some of those include new member recruitment, spiritual development, campus involvement and physical development, among many others.
“The Ruby Cup is also based on a percentage based score in which the chapter also won,” Farrill shared. “The Troy chapter scored first in our division and won every category.”
He said this award is a tremendous honor for the Troy Chapter.
“This is the second time we have won the award (previously awarded in 2008), and I am very excited for this year’s accomplishment,” Farrill said. “The chapter has worked very hard both scholastically and philanthropically.”
Farrill said receiving this award requires a year-long effort from the fraternity to maintain excellence in all areas.
Upcoming events for the fraternity include the hosting of their second annual Bone Marrow Donor Network Drive, which is through “Be The Match,” the fraternity’s national philanthropy, on Sept. 17.
The official FarmHouse International Fraternity Ruby Cup Ceremony has been tentatively scheduled for Oct. 6 on the Troy campus.
“I am very proud of my brothers and hope we continue living out the FarmHouse motto to build men intellectually, spiritually, socially, morally and physically,” Farrill said. “We hope to continue our efforts in the coming year and try for another win.”