The application season for Troy University’s Impact leaders in the next school year is now underway.
Impact is a two-day student orientation held during the summer for all incoming freshmen, transfer students and their parents.
The purpose of Impact is to help new students adjust to college by becoming familiar with the campus, meeting and building connections with other students, registering for classes and exploring different academic programs, organizations and campus involvement opportunities available at Troy.
Impact leaders assist with these activities.
Jacob Grant, admissions counselor and current Impact director, emphasized the importance of the role Impact leaders play throughout these summer sessions.
“The Impact leaders are basically the ones running the show, keeping it moving,” Grant said. “They are in charge of giving out all of the information the students need, making them feel welcomed and encouraging the new students to get involved.
“These leaders are one of the first faces these new students will see and recognize on campus. They’re presenting this university to all of these new students, and that’s why you have to love Troy and you have to be able to sell it to them.”
Carlie Spencer, a junior mathematics major from Montgomery, shared her personal experience being a former Impact leader.
“It was one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences of my life,” Spencer said. “Each and every student that I met impacted my life in some way.
“It’s interesting looking back and seeing how I grew as a person over the summer. I made connections with so many different types of students who all have their very own and very unique story to tell.”
Former Impact leader Jorge Solis, a senior economics and political science double major from Pell City, also said he encouraged students to apply.
“The experience alone merits applying and trying your best to become an Impact leader,” Solis said. “Not to mention the incredible benefits that come along with the position, the memories you make with an incredible group of friends and the ability to share your Troy experience with others.”
Interested applicants must have at least a cumulative 2.2 GPA or higher, be returning to Troy in the fall of 2016 as an undergraduate student and display a strong “love for and loyalty to Troy University.”
Applications can be found in the admissions office, located on the base floor of Bibb Graves Hall in Room 49.
Completed applications must be turned in no later than Tuesday, Feb. 9, by 5 p.m.
For more information, contact Jacob Grant at 334-670-3174.