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Can split result finally inspire bipartisanship?

Staff Writer

Pradyot Sharma With most of the results from the midterm elections declared, the Democrats have regained control of the House while the Republicans are poised to increase their Senate majority. The verdict from the midterm elections is a stark reflection of the political split in the country. However, this can serve as a golden opportunity for D.C. to show bipartisanship and address pressing issues in our government. There have been mixed signals from President Donald Trump who, on Tuesday, tweeted support for Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi from California, who is poised to reclaim the speaker’s seat. Trump has also called for bipartisanship in Congress. Nevertheless, the president has also continued to resort to name-calling and threatening Democrats if they go ahead with investigating him for alleged crimes during the 2016 elections. The remainder of President Trump’s term sees the nation facing major questions on immigration, trade and foreign policy. This includes dealing with potential repercussions from the sanctions reinstated on Iran by the administration. People in the government have had polarized stances on these issues, but the necessity of dealing with a split majority might just bring both sides to the table. This would benefit the country as a whole because the decisions made would not add to the divide in the nation but reignite conversations that we desperately need. There is a possibility that Trump may get to appoint another Supreme Court justice. If Trump is to pick another justice, the Democrats could push for a centrist candidate. This wouldn’t swing the court, but this can help bring a political balance for the long run. It is too early to say how this will play out and whether the president is incentivized to bring this balance or how any such compromise will affect his popularity with his base. With the departure of Jeff Sessions from the office of attorney general, the administration’s handling of the Robert Mueller investigation into the Trump campaign will also be a factor. But at a time of extreme divide among the American people, this is one opportunity for the political parties to serve the nation for a change.

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