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A Magical Evening with BCM

Staff Writer

by Jennifer Keil

Glitter, fairy lights and ivy vines: The Baptist Campus Ministry (BCM) held their semi-formal with a fairy tale theme.

The Baptist campus ministries seeks to reach students on campus to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to give students plugged into churches and to glorify God. To give BCM members and their friends an evening to get together and have fun, the BCM transformed Hal Hall into a magical place. 

“I think it looks beautiful.” said Natalie Barrows an exercise science and nutrition alumni. “I wasn’t sure how they’re going to do that in here, but they did a good job.”

People were dressed up in pretty and colorful gowns, suits, wings, and floral wreaths fitting in the theme. 

“I think it's pretty awesome,” said Emma Walrath psychology sophomore from Millbrook, Alabama. “Fairy tale: I mean who doesn't love a good fairy tale?”

Even though the evening started with a little faux pas with the music boxes, the participants used the time to enjoy the company of their friends, eat glazed cookies and drink from the punch. All served from golden plates and crystal bowls.

“I had a rough week so it's time to rewind and take a load off,” Walrath. “The evening had a rough start but I'm a former believer: it's going to be better by the end!”

It didn’t take long till the first people started taking off their heels and performing a line dance for every single song in the playlist, sing along and presenting their dancing skills. 

“I am enjoying the music,” Borrows said. “I always love to dance even though I am a terrible dancer.”

“This is just a good time for a good dance, good food, good company, and just good time for people to meet each other and for the people who met each other, especially for freshmen even sophomores, seniors, and juniors, to hang out and get to know each other better,” said Terry Skipper an entrepreneurship Senior from Dothan, Alabama.

In between the dances the participants took their time to chat and take pictures with crowns and funny accessories in front of the ivy vine ranked walls.

“When I was a freshman, it was hard for me to meet new people, so I just met a few people and then I met their friends and now we're all one big happy family,” Skipper said.  “That's what we are here: one big happy family.”

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