The Student Government Association is working with Kaplan Test Prep to bring affordable test preparation options to Troy’s campus.
“The purpose of the classes are to allow students to have practice material and get training from professionals on how to take these tests and get higher scores,” said SGA President Olivia Melton.
On Wednesday, Sept. 21, Melton sent students a survey to assess their needs for post-graduation test preparation.
“The need for the survey is that we want to know what the students’ needs are and tailor these classes based on what test they’re taking and the time they’re taking it as well,” Melton said.
Melton wants the tests to be affordable for students so that they can get the preparation they need.
“We are trying to get it as cost-efficient for students as possible and make sure that they feel like they are being prepared,” she said.
Kaplan will assess the survey to see which test most students are taking and when they will be taking that test.
“I think the survey is a really good way (to gather information), especially when it’s anonymous, because students feel free to give their real opinion, but the only trick is students get so many emails,” said Lauren Cole, career services coordinator.
“Drawing their attention to the email survey is the hardest part.”
There will be test prep options to help with the GRE, MCAT, LSAT and more. Cole said Kaplan aims to help prepare high school students for the ACT and other standardized tests, help college students in furthering their education, and help practitioners receiving their licenses.
“Whatever the product, program or service, (Kaplan is) constantly pursuing the mission of improving lives through education, one success story at a time,” Kaplan’s website reads. “We continually strive to make the learning experience for our students the best we can with a rigorous focus on educational performance and results.”
Brittany Fletcher, a sophomore psychology major from Alabaster, took the survey and said she is hopeful for future test preparation courses.
“I took the survey, and would like for there to be a GRE test prep class at Troy,” Fletcher said. “The survey just asked me some basics questions and to rate what I need out of a prep class, and I hope to see the class happen.”
Fletcher said she plans to attend graduate school, and she spoke about how the class could help her pursue her master’s degree.
“I want to get into a nice graduate school for counseling, and I think the course would really help me a lot,” Fletcher said. “I want to go to grad school out of state, so I definitely want to make a high score and do the best that I can.”
The survey requested students’ information to contact them about prep opportunities, asked which test they planned on taking and which factors play a role in choosing a test preparation method.
Options on the survey included in-person, live online, self-paced or private tutoring.
SGA is the first to promote the Kaplan Test Prep, but soon it won’t be the only one.
“We are going to try to promote it from the Career Center,” Cole said.
Cole said that many students come to her office asking for assistance, and she said the prep class would be helpful for students considering graduate school.
“That’s an additional tool we can give them, a prep class to help them get ready or have a high score to get into graduate school,” she said.
Cole said the class would be similar to a high school test preparation course.
“It’s kind of like when you’re taking a prep class for the ACT, when you’re graduating from high school,” Cole said. “If students have ever done that kind of prep class, they can equate it to that.”
At the career fair on Wednesday, Sept. 28, students were given the opportunity to speak with Troy’s graduate school.
“I hope students are excited to take advantage of the opportunity because (in) most graduate programs, the No. 1 factor of getting in or getting funding, is going to be their score,” Melton said.
The Alabama Connection graduate fair will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 2 p.m. at Faulkner University in Montgomery. Students can speak with representatives from graduate schools from across the state.