Andrea Hammack As a college student, it’s hard to pick just one path for your future, and if you’re anything like me, this is extra difficult when you could see yourself doing 10 different things for a career. Granted, it might be difficult to do everything you like, but it doesn’t mean you should give up on those other options. Deciding on a degree and staying firm in your decision can be difficult, but changing that decision is even harder. Here are five reasons you shouldn’t be afraid to change your degree course if it doesn’t feel right to you: Just because you like a subject doesn’t mean it’s right for your everyday career choice. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve considered majors only due to my interest in the subject as a hobby. I love history, but it’s not something I want to turn into a career. Don’t settle for a career path you like the idea of but isn’t something you would actually be comfortable in. This is what happened to me. I previously chose a minor that I liked, but the program wasn’t a good fit for me. Sometimes you can enjoy what you do but struggle with a set program – and it’s OK. It doesn’t cross out that option for you, there are plenty of ways to pursue an interest without having a degree for it. Choosing a career based around money will make you miserable. It’s easy as a financially struggling college student to put yourself in a situation based on the income you could make, but if you don’t enjoy what you’re studying, you’ll never enjoy it professionally. You’re not going to always be excited about what you do, but you should at least enjoy it 90% of the time. Money is great, but it can’t fully satisfy you. The approval from others should never be included in your decision making. This is hard especially if you have parents paying for your schooling. It can be difficult thinking you are letting them down, but letting yourself down is worse. Convincing yourself and those who have influence over your college expenses is important not only for your happiness but your success in your field. Finally, don’t be afraid of going with your gut. Again, you might enjoy something, but the program doesn’t feel how you thought it would. I promise once you’re in the right program you will know it, and you won’t question your choices. Speaking from experience, hobbies shouldn’t be confused with careers, but if you genuinely enjoy something, you shouldn’t let someone talk you out of it or tell you you’re not good enough. Also, don’t feel bad if you’re not perfect at something when you first start out – if you enjoy it. you’ll work hard at it, and with that comes improvement. If you needed a little encouragement, here it is. Go for it! Make that change that will result in you being as successful as possible while doing what you love.
Thinking about changing your degree plan? Go for it!
Staff Writer