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'Stand Up & Be A Trojan' for Troy Giving Day

Staff Writer

Amya Mitchell Next Thursday, Oct. 8 will mark Troy University’s third annual Troy Giving Day, and the university is looking to reach a $150,000 goal. Maj. Gen. Walter Givhan, senior vice chancellor for Advancement and Economic Development, is leading the event and excited for Trojans to step up and give to one another. “Fall Giving Day is a great tradition that we’ve established here at Troy,” Givhan said. “It creates a sense of Trojan Nation coming together and achieving great things with our generosity.” The theme for this year’s Giving Day is “Stand Up and Be a Trojan.” “The way you stand up and be a Trojan is by opening your heart and giving because there are so many needs right now that we need to meet,” Givhan said. One of the most pressing needs is the reallocation of money to the emergency fund used during the pandemic. “We all know that the big thing that’s disrupted our lives is the pandemic,” Givhan said. “I can think of no better cause you might consider giving to.” Contributors also have the option of giving to scholarship funds. “There’s always a pressing need for scholarships,” Givhan said. “You can designate your gift to a particular scholarship or fund. “Whatever you want, you can make happen on Giving Day.” Givhan said some people may hesitate to give because they don’t know how much they should contribute, but it’s more about the act than about the amount. “It’s really easy for everyone to get involved,” Givhan said. “Any gift is important. “A lot of people get intimidated and don’t know what to give. That doesn’t matter. The important thing is to give.” A few members of Troy University have agreed to match gifts and have donated more than $10,000. “Give early because your gift will be matched by them, and it’ll really increase the power of your gift,” Givhan concluded. To “Stand Up and Be a Trojan” on Giving Day, you can visit Contributors will also be named on the school’s website.

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